Java Reference Manual

TopicQos Class Reference
[DDS Quality of Service]

Structure that holds DDS_Topic Quality of Service policies. More...

List of all members.

Public Attributes

TopicDataQosPolicy topic_data
DurabilityQosPolicy durability
DurabilityServiceQosPolicy durability_service
DeadlineQosPolicy deadline
LatencyBudgetQosPolicy latency_budget
LivelinessQosPolicy liveliness
ReliabilityQosPolicy reliability
DestinationOrderQosPolicy destination_order
HistoryQosPolicy history
ResourceLimitsQosPolicy resource_limits
TransportPriorityQosPolicy transport_priority
LifespanQosPolicy lifespan
OwnershipQosPolicy ownership
EntityNameQosPolicy entity_name
LoggingQosPolicy logging

Detailed Description

Structure that holds DDS_Topic Quality of Service policies.

See also:
Topic::set_qos(TopicQos) set_qos()
Topic::get_qos(TopicQos) get_qos()
DomainParticipant::create_topic(java.lang.String topic_name, java.lang.String type_name, TopicQos DDS Quality of Service, TopicListener listener, long mask) create_topic()
DomainParticipant::set_default_topic_qos(TopicQos) set_default_topic_qos()

Member Data Documentation

Defines the expected update frequency for data instances within the Topic.

The ordering of received samples on the Topic will be either by SOURCE or RECEPTION timestamp.

The durability policy of the Topic.

Configures the service supporting the TRANSIENT and PERSITENT durability kinds.

Controls the Entity name of the Topic

The amount of historical data maintained for the Topic.

Identifies the 'urgency' of the data on the Topic. The middleware uses this to batch data samples is possible.

The 'expiration time' for old data samples on the Topic.

Identifies the mechanism used to detect and maintain livelines of DataWriters on the Topic.

Controls the logging behavior of the Topic

The type of 'ownership' expected for data instances on the Topic.

Indicates the level of transport reliability on the Topic.

The resource limitations for the Topic.

A sequence of octets associated with a Topic.

The priority to be used for messages on the Topic.

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