Java Reference Manual

PublisherListener Interface Reference
[DDS Listeners]

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void on_offered_incompatible_qos (DataWriter writer, OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus status)
void on_liveliness_lost (DataWriter writer, LivelinessLostStatus status)
void on_publication_matched (DataWriter writer, PublicationMatchedStatus status)
long get_nil_mask ()

Package Functions

void on_offered_deadline_missed (DataWriter writer, OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus status)

Detailed Description

The PublisherListener provides asynchronous notification of Publisher events. This listener can be installed during Publisher creation DomainParticipant_create_publisher(), as well as by calling Publisher_set_listener().

Member Function Documentation

long get_nil_mask (  ) 

get_nil_mask() returns a bitmask indicating which listener methods (if any) should be considered NIL, and therefore, should not be invoked.

void on_liveliness_lost ( DataWriter  writer,
LivelinessLostStatus  status 

Called when the CoreDX DDS middleware detects that a DataWriter contained in the Publisher has not satisfied its LIVELINESS QoS setting. This listener is invoked only if the concerned DataWriter does not have an on_offered_deadline_missed listener installed.

The status argument provides a snapshot of the status at the time the listener was invoked.

void on_offered_deadline_missed ( DataWriter  writer,
OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus  status 
) [package]

Called when the CoreDX DDS middleware detects that a DataWriter contained in the Publisher has failed to meet its DEADLINE QoS commitment. This listener is invoked only if the concerned DataWriter does not have an on_offered_deadline_missed listener installed.

The status argument provides a snapshot of the status at the time the listener was invoked.

void on_offered_incompatible_qos ( DataWriter  writer,
OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus  status 

Called when the CoreDX DDS middleware detects that a DataWriter contained in the Publisher has offered a QoS policy setting that is incompatible with that requested by a potentially matching DataReader. This listener is invoked only if the concerned DataWriter does not have an on_offered_deadline_missed listener installed.

The status argument provides a snapshot of the status at the time the listener was invoked.

void on_publication_matched ( DataWriter  writer,
PublicationMatchedStatus  status 

Called when the CoreDX DDS middleware detects that a DataWriter contained in the Publisher has matched with a DataReader or has ceased to be matched with a DataReader. This listener is invoked only if the concerned DataWriter does not have an on_offered_deadline_missed listener installed.

The status argument provides a snapshot of the status at the time the listener was invoked.

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