CoreDX Data Distribution Service
The High Performance, Small Footprint DDS from Twin Oaks Computing, Inc
OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus Class Reference

Data Fields

int total_count
int total_count_change
QosPolicyId_t last_policy_id
QosPolicyCount [] policies

Detailed Description

Status related to the on_offered_incompatible_qos listener methods of the DataWriter, Publisher, and DomainParticipant structures.

Field Documentation

◆ last_policy_id

QosPolicyId_t last_policy_id

Id of the most recent requested incompatible QoS policy.

◆ policies

QosPolicyCount [] policies

A list of QoS policies and the total number of times each QoS policy was found to be incompatible.

◆ total_count

int total_count

Cummulative count of the number of DataWriters discovered having matching Topic and incompatible QoS.

◆ total_count_change

int total_count_change

Change in total_count since the last time the listener was called or status was read.

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Castle Rock, CO 80108
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