CoreDX Data Distribution Service
The High Performance, Small Footprint DDS from Twin Oaks Computing, Inc
DDS_DataWriterListener_cd Struct Reference

The DDS_DataWriterListener_cd provides asynchronous notification of DDS_DataWriter events with additional callback data. More...

Data Fields

void(* on_offered_deadline_missed )(struct DDS_DataWriterListener_cd *self, DDS_DataWriter writer, DDS_OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus status, void *callback_data)
void(* on_offered_incompatible_qos )(struct DDS_DataWriterListener_cd *self, DDS_DataWriter writer, DDS_OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus status, void *callback_data)
void(* on_liveliness_lost )(struct DDS_DataWriterListener_cd *self, DDS_DataWriter writer, DDS_LivelinessLostStatus status, void *callback_data)
void(* on_publication_matched )(struct DDS_DataWriterListener_cd *self, DDS_DataWriter writer, DDS_PublicationMatchedStatus status, void *callback_data)

Detailed Description

The DDS_DataWriterListener_cd provides asynchronous notification of DDS_DataWriter events with additional callback data.

This listener can be installed by calling DDS_DataWriter_set_listener_cd().

The listener callback methods should be lightweight and should not block. If a callback method blocks, it will block all other callback operations within the same DomainParticipant.

Field Documentation

◆ on_liveliness_lost

void(* DDS_DataWriterListener_cd::on_liveliness_lost) (struct DDS_DataWriterListener_cd *self, DDS_DataWriter writer, DDS_LivelinessLostStatus status, void *callback_data)

on_liveliness_lost() is called when the CoreDX DDS infrastructure detects that the DataWriter has not satisfied its LIVELINESS QoS setting.

The status argument provides a snapshot of the status at the time the listener was invoked.

◆ on_offered_deadline_missed

void(* DDS_DataWriterListener_cd::on_offered_deadline_missed) (struct DDS_DataWriterListener_cd *self, DDS_DataWriter writer, DDS_OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus status, void *callback_data)

on_offered_deadline_missed() is called when the CoreDX DDS infrastructure detects that the deadline that the DDS_DataWriter has offered Through the DEADLINE QoS was not satisfied. That is, the DataWriter has failed to update an instance with the frequency specified in the DEADLINE QoS.

The status argument provides a snapshot of the status at the time the listener was invoked.

◆ on_offered_incompatible_qos

void(* DDS_DataWriterListener_cd::on_offered_incompatible_qos) (struct DDS_DataWriterListener_cd *self, DDS_DataWriter writer, DDS_OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus status, void *callback_data)

on_offered_incompatible_qos() is called when the CoreDX DDS infrastructure detects that the DataWriter has offered a QoS policy setting that is incompatible with that requested by a potentially matching DataReader.

The status argument provides a snapshot of the status at the time the listener was invoked.

◆ on_publication_matched

void(* DDS_DataWriterListener_cd::on_publication_matched) (struct DDS_DataWriterListener_cd *self, DDS_DataWriter writer, DDS_PublicationMatchedStatus status, void *callback_data)

on_publication_matched() is called when the CoreDX DDS infrastructure detects that the DataWriter has matched with a DataReader or has ceased to be matched with a DataReader.

The status argument provides a snapshot of the status at the time the listener was invoked.

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